31 Women

Whitney Modern Gallery: March 1, 2020 – April 30, 2020

31 Women celebrates the work of 31 female artists in honor of Women’s History Month 2020. Women’s History Month annually commemorates women’s contributions to history, culture, and society throughout the United States. 2020 is an especially exciting and powerful year for women as it is the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment, which granted women the right to vote in the United States.

Highlighted individually throughout the exhibition are each artist’s process and inspiration, as well as her sense of connection to women in history and art history, distilled from dozens of interviews, correspondence and conversations. Along with the physical exhibition at Whitney Modern, the artists from 31 Women will be featured daily on social media, blogs, websites and in the gallery – one woman each day throughout the month of March. This aspect of the show is intended to be a virtual exhibition available to those outside the area and provides an individual focus on a particular artist, emphasizing her unique practice and contributions to the art community.

31 Women confirms that knowing one another empowers us. Connections past and present celebrate, support and strengthen the collective creativity of all women. Sharing our stories of women that influence us honors our past, while showcasing the work of women today crystallizes our appreciation of the present. Through such shared perspectives, we can inspire future generations of women.


Please visit my blog pages on this website to read my interviews and studio visits with each of the artists, which formed the content of 31 Women and daily Instagram posts during the run of the show.

Featuring painting, printmaking and sculpture by exhibiting artists from the Bay Area and beyond:
Shannon Amidon, Elizabeth Barlow, Marie Cameron, Linda Christensen, Jennifer Cole, Sara V Cole, Kim Frohsin, Karen Gallagher-Iverson, Carla Goldberg, Michelle Gregor, Laura Gurton, Christine Hayman, Ellen Heck, Rozanne Hermelyn, Kelsey Irvin, Ivy Jacobsen, Julia Jensen, Pantea Karimi, Sherry Karver, Michelle Mansour, Brigitte McReynolds, Lisa Noonis, Sandy Ostrau, Stephanie Peek, Jennifer Pochinski, Astrid Preston, Carole Rafferty, Sawyer Rose, Jeanne Vadeboncoeur, Josette Urso, and Elena Zolotnitsky.